Monday, December 22, 2008

Is this for me??

Well, a box arrived in the mail on Saturday, and it was addressed to my Mommy, from her friend back in MA, Aimee. She was unloading the box on the floor and THIS popped out! I immediately grabbed it and ran off with it! A Stuffie Snowman, just for me!!

Wait just a minute Mommy said......that snowman is a toss pillow to go with the matching blanket.

Huh?? A toss pillow? How stupid!

So now, he is my stuffie snowman! And I even like this new blanket he came with! BOL! Merry Early Christmas to Me!!


Katy said...

Hey Bruschi! I love stuffies, too. I destroy them pretty fast and my silly mom is always taking my girls' toys away from me, so I know how you feel!

We DO look a lot alike :) Where in FL are you?

Eduardo said...

BOL! Bruschi, pawrents don't need toss pillows, especially when they are shaped like stuffies!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Anonymous said...

Don't humans know that their present in life is to see our joy playing with new toys!? He looks perfect for you, I'm sure that is what your Mom's friend intended all along!

Anonymous said...

What an excellent snowman Brushi. I'm sure your Mom's friend meant it to be a toy for you. Who ever heard of a "snowman" toss pillow??! Silly... Santa Paws comes tonight!! XOXO Peanut

Anonymous said...

Hi Brusci! I got my package from you today in the mail!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the yummy treat and letter! XOXO Peanut