Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Early Easter Surprise!

Every single year, the Easter Bunny seems to skip our house.....or come days late! We got some bunny ears this year, hoping that Mr. EB won't forget about us!!

And to our surprise, a package arrived today!!! From our furiends Jack and Oliver in NJ!!
They felt bad about our past experiences with the EB so they wanted to make sure we had a special Easter!

Ebby wasted no time tearing into the toys and destroying the squeakers!

I of course enjoying sawing off whatever small limbs I can find! BOL!

Thank you so much guys!! We feel Eggstra special this year!! Who needs the Easter Bunny when you have furiends like Ollie and Jack!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Benny & Lilly are celebrities!

Today in the mail we got our usual "Only Natural Pet Store" catalog, and we were flipping through it as we always do, and get to page 33........Mommy shrieked and shouted OMD it's Benny and Lilly!!!! We know them we know them Ebby and I kept shouting!
How cool!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring time = visitors!

Boy, March and April have been busy month's for us with family visitors!

My daddy's mom (I call her Nana Sue) came to visit us for my daddy's birthday!
She got to meet my sister Ebby for the first time.....and as you can see, Ebby and her got along quite well!

We got to celebrate Daddy's 29th Birthday with delicious cake! As you can see, me and Ebby patiently waiting on the floor in case anyone dropped any crumbs!

I also found a new spot to catch some sun! Daddy had put the chair cushions up on the table while he was cleaning and when he turned his back, I hopped up on the table and made myself quite cozy! BOL! Mommy and Daddy got quite a laugh out of me!

And then LAST week, Mommy's daddy came to visit, (Pep Gary I call him). He too got to meet Ebby for the first time! Pep Gary is the best.....he fed me STEAK! We don't have steak in my house unless Pep Gary comes to visit, so I think he should visit more often! BOL!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Saving more wanderers!

The humans are starting to wonder why it is that stray and wandering dogs keep coming across their paths. This has to be at least the 6th or 7th time that they have come across some loose dogs who make their way to our house!

It was a quiet, hot Sunday morning, when the humans were about to go into the yard to catch some sun, when these two stragglers showed up in the backyard. The one on the right, was frantically trying to get into the lanai, while the one of the left, was taking off across the retention pond. The humans grabbed our leashes (the nerve), and managed to capture them both. Luckily they both had name tags with their address and phone numbers.

First they walked to the address, which happened to be right in our neighborhood, and no one was home. Then they called and got voice mail only. So the two dogs came back to our house and hung out in the backyard for a bit.

This one was named Bella. She was soaking wet so she must have ran through someone's sprinklers, or swam through a retention pond.

This is her brother Elliot. He was quite the howler!!

So glad there was a happy ending here, and after about 15 minutes, Mommy received a call from the owner who was out grocery shopping. He had left the dogs in the backyard and they clearly dug their way out. Thank goodness they wandered to the right house!
Ebby and I were barking our tails off in the house though because we knew their were doggies in our yard!

I told the humans that perhaps these dogs read my blog and they just wanted to meet me! BOL!